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Product descriptionv nitrofurantoin in pregnancy dose.

INDICATIONS nitrofurantoin in pregnancy dose.

Nitrofurantoin is used for treating and preventing urinary tract infections caused by certain bacteria. Nitrofurantoin is an antibiotic for specific use in the urinary tract. It works by killing sensitive bacteria.

INSTRUCTIONS nitrofurantoin in pregnancy dose.

Use Nitrofurantoin as directed by your doctor.

  • Take Nitrofurantoin by mouth with food.
  • Do not take an antacid that has magnesium trisilicate in it while you are taking Nitrofurantoin. Check with your pharmacist if you are unsure which antacids have magnesium trisilicate in them.
  • Drinking extra fluids while you are taking Nitrofurantoin is recommended.
  • To clear up your infection completely, take Nitrofurantoin for the full course of treatment. Keep taking it even if you feel better in a few days.
  • If you miss a dose of Nitrofurantoin, take it as soon as possible. If it is almost time for your next dose, skip the missed dose and go back to your regular dosing schedule. Do not take 2 doses at once.

Ask your health care provider any questions you may have about how to use Nitrofurantoin.

STORAGE nitrofurantoin in pregnancy dose.

Store Nitrofurantoin at room temperature, between 59 and 86 degrees F (15 and 30 degrees C). Store away from heat, moisture, and light. Do not store in the bathroom. Keep Nitrofurantoin out of the reach of children and away from pets.

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